Identifying assembly version conflicts

I got a ‘No way to resolve conflict between “System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=…’ error recently after pulling out the latest code from the source control. The cause of this error was because projects in my solution were referring to different version of the same assembly. After searching on the net, I
found a great tool to check the assemblies referenced by my project. The tool is called AsmSpy written by Mike Hadlow. You can find it on

Unit test private methods?

There has been a lot of discussion about whether we should unit test private methods, which I find it very interesting to read on my spare time). However, in this post I am not going to add more arguments on this subject (I will leave it to your own discretion 🙂 ). Here, I am going to show an example on using PrivateObject class which can be handy if you need to test a private method or property or field. The class exists in Microsoft Visual Studio Unit Test and you can read on MSDN for more information. In short, this class gives access to private methods (and properties). Let’s say I have an Account class which I want to test:

public class Account
        public decimal InterestRate { get; private set; }        
        private decimal _balance;
        private int _accountId;

        public Account(int accountId)
            _accountId = accountId;

        private void InitAccount()
            //Populate Account details, i.e. current balance

        public decimal GetBalanceWithInterest()
            return _balance + GetInterest();

        private decimal GetInterest()
            return _balance*InterestRate;

If I want to test the GetInterest method, which is private, I could do the following:

        public void GetInterest_ReturnsExpectedInterest()
            decimal balance = 1000;
            decimal interestRate = (decimal) 0.05;
            decimal expectedInterest = 50;

            var acc = new Account(1000);
            var privateObject = new PrivateObject(acc);

            privateObject.SetField("_balance", balance);
            privateObject.SetProperty("InterestRate", interestRate);

            var interest = privateObject.Invoke("GetInterest");

            Assert.AreEqual(interest, expectedInterest);

The example above invokes the private method without passing any arguments. To pass arguments, you can use an array of object as follows:

privateObject.Invoke("APrivateMethod", new object[] { param1, param2});

That’s it, quite simple isn’t 🙂

Performance Point Report Web Part & Unterminated String Constant

Recently I had this weird javascript error when I added performance point report web parts to a page that uses a custom master page. The error on the page was ‘Unterminated string constant’ and I could not see any of the report web parts. After a bit of google I found this post by Martin Hatch which described exactly the same issue. Apparently the issue was because separate lines in the element.

What I had was

<title id="onetidTitle">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderPageTitle" runat="server" />

And the fix :

<title id="onetidTitle"><asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderPageTitle" runat="server" /></title>

Using ListData service in SharePoint 2010

For the past few weeks, I have been using ListData.svc, SharePoint Client object model and Jquery to create custom web parts which display some information from a list. First things first, ListData service reside in http:///_vti_bin/ListData.svc. So as an example, Let’s say that I have an employee list with First Name and Last Name columns. In order for me to get the list of employees from Employee list, the url would be http://samplesite/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Employee.

var listUrl = 'http://samplesite/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Employee';
$.getJSON(listUrl, function(data) {
   for (var i=0; i<data.d.results.length; i++)
       var employee = data.d.results[i];

We can also filter the results that we would like to retrieve from the list by using the $filter query string or sort the results by using the $orderby. The example below filters the list by using the list item Id. For more information on what query strings that can be used, please have a look at this page in MSDN.

var listUrl = 'http://samplesite/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Employee?$filter=Id eq 15';
$.getJSON(listUrl, function(data) {
   for (var i=0; i<data.d.results.length; i++)

We can also use ListData service to create a new list item or update an existing item. Credits go to Anatoly Mironov for explaining on how to perform save and update operations. Following our example above, let’s say that we want to create an entry for a new employee

var newEmp = {};
newEmp.FirstName = "Joe";
newEmp.LastName = "Blogg";

var body = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(newEmp);

            type: "POST",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            processData: false,
            url: listUrl,
            data: body,
            dataType: "json",
            success: function () { alert('succeeded');},
            error: function (xhr, status, error) { alert(xhr.responseText); }

Assuming that the create operation above succeeded and the new employee’s id is 20. We can update the employee list item as such

var emp = {};
emp.FirstName = "Joe";
emp.LastName = "B";

var body = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(emp);
            type: "POST",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            processData: false,
            headers: {
                "If-Match": "*",
                "X-HTTP-Method": "MERGE"
            url: listUrl + "(20)",
            data: body,
            dataType: "json",
            success: function () { alert('succeeded');},
            error: function (xhr, status, error) { alert(xhr.responseText); }

Notice the url and the headers for the AJAX call. The url that I specified points to the record that I just created and then I specified ‘MERGE’ to indicate that this is an update operation.

Retrieving SP user info using Client Object Model

Recently I built a visual web part to show current user’s information (Picture, Name, etc). Instead of using SharePoint server object model, this time I choose to use client OM. First I need to get the id of the logged-in user, which can be retrieved from _spPageContextInfo.userId (Ted Pattison has posted an excellent article explaining this variable). Next step is to get the client context.

var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    var web = context.get_web();

    var userInfoList = web.get_siteUserInfoList();

    var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
    camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\'ID\' />' +
                                '<Value Type=\'Number\'>' + userId + '</Value></Eq>' +

    this.userListItem = userInfoList.getItems(camlQuery);


            Function.createDelegate(this, onSucceeded),
            Function.createDelegate(this, onFailed));

The onSucceeded function is called when the query runs successfully, otherwise the onFailed function will be executed.

function onSuceeded(sender, eventArgs)
        var item = this.userListItem.itemAt(0);
        var name = item.get_item('Name');
        var userName = "Name";

        if (name) {
            userName = name;


One last thing to remember is to run the code after SP.js is loaded

SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(LoadUserInfo, 'SP.js');

Using JsRender to render HTML template

I just happened to use jsrender on my recent project and I have to say that it really helps to simplify my code. jsrender is a javascript templating engine which is used for string based rendering.

For example, let’s say I want to show new employees as below:

So the first thing to do is to get the list of employees as JSON, then I can use JavaScript to manipulate DOM. I could write the following Javascript (which is a bit complicated):

First, the sample data

var employees = [
                                    Name: "Joe Blogg",
                                    Role: "Software Developer",
                                    Email: ""
                                    Name: "Jill Blogg",
                                    Role: "Marketing Officer"                                    
                                    Name: "Jack Blogg",
                                    Role: "Project Manager",
                                    Email: ""
                                    Name: "Jon Blogg",
                                    Role: "Software Developer",
                                    Email: ""
                                    Name: "James Blogg",
                                    Role: "Software Developer"                                    

The JavaScript:

var content;
$(employees).each(function (val) {
  content = "<li><ul><li class='innerList'>" + val.Name + "</li>"
              + "<li class='innerList'>" + val.Role + "</li>"
              + "<li class='innerList'>" + val.Email + "</li>"
              + "</ul></li>"

$("#dvContainer ul").append(content);

The JavaScript above can get harder to read as the content grows. So let’s look at the jsrender version:

<script id="ViewTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">    
            <li class="outerList">                 
                    <li class="innerList">{{>Name}}</li>
                    <li class="innerList">{{>Role}}</li>
                    <li class="innerList">{{if Email}} {{>Email}} {{else}} ??? {{/if}}</li>

<script type='text/javascript'>
$("#dvContainer ul").append($("#ViewTemplate").render(employees));

The jsrender version above uses template which is wrapped in a script tag (there is another way to define the template which can be found on the jsrender site above). The template defines how the data should be displayed. Once we have done the template, we can use the render() function to generate a string that is ready to be inserted to DOM. The {{>}} is jsrender syntax to encode the value.

Please note that you can use jsrender without jquery.

The code for this post can be found in here

Programmatically Connect SharePoint Web Parts

In this post I am adding two web parts into a page programmatically and then connect them by using SPLimitedWebPartManager.SPConnectWebParts. Lately, I have been using Performance point web part and QueryStringFilter web part so I am going to use them for this example.

First step is to create an instance of the two web parts :

//Create an instance of the PerformancePoint web part 
ReportViewWebPart wp = new ReportViewWebPart();
wp.LocationUrl = "/TestBI/Lists/PerformancePoint Content/200_.000";

//Create an instance of the query string filter web part
QueryStringFilterWebPart filterwebpart = new QueryStringFilterWebPart();
filterwebpart.ZoneID = "Zone 1";
filterwebpart.DefaultValue = "Perth";
filterwebpart.QueryStringParameterName = "City";
filterwebpart.ID = "g_" + Guid.NewGuid();
filterwebpart.FilterName = "MyFilter";
filterwebpart.Title = "Hello";

Once we have created the web parts, we can add those web parts into a page by using SPLimitedWebPartManager

using (SPLimitedWebPartManager wpm = web.GetLimitedWebPartManager("/TestBI/Dashboards/MyTest/TestPage.aspx",System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared))                                                                     
                wpm.AddWebPart(filterwebpart, "Zone 1", 0);
                wpm.AddWebPart(wp, "Zone 1", 1);                

                var cc = wpm.GetConsumerConnectionPoints(wp);
                var pp = wpm.GetProviderConnectionPoints(filterwebpart);

                var transformer = = new TransformableFilterValuesToParametersTransformer();

            filter.ConsumerFieldNames = new string[] {"SqlReportViewUniqueParameterIdSI1"};
            filter.ProviderFieldNames = new string[] { "MyFilter" };

ConsumerConnectionPoint consumerConnection = null;

                foreach (ConsumerConnectionPoint cpoint in cc)
                    if (cpoint.InterfaceType == typeof(IWebPartParameters))
                        consumerConnection = cpoint;

                ProviderConnectionPoint providerConnection = null;

                foreach (ProviderConnectionPoint ppoint in pp)
                    if (ppoint.InterfaceType == typeof(ITransformableFilterValues))
                        providerConnection = ppoint;


                var conn = wpm.SPConnectWebParts(filterwebpart, providerConnection , wp, consumerConnection, transformer);


The QueryStringFilterWebPart resides in Microsoft.Office.Server.FilterControls.dll which resides in GAC.

As for the ReportViewWebPart, it resides in Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.WebControls.dll which can found in GAC.

URL access to SSRS with parameters

Passing a parameter to a SSRS report that is hosted in SharePoint 2010 can be done using the following URL (assuming that the report parameter is a string) :


rv:RelativeReportUrl is path to the report
rv:ParamMode is the parameters panel setting
rp:city is the report’s parameter (Please note the prefix ‘rp‘)

For more information about other URL options, please refer to this link msdn

If the report is based on Analysis Service (SSAS), the parameter would be slightly different. Instead of just the value, the parameter needs to be in MDX format, e.g. [CityInfo].[City].&[Perth]

Using the example above, the URL to pass the SSAS parameter would be:


*Please note that the ampersand (&) should be replaced with %26

Lesson learned about PerformancePoint and SSRS

Today I have learned a few things about PerformancePoint web part, SSRS and report parameters. First thing first, the requirement was to build a SSRS report with SSAS as the data source and the report should be displayed on a Dashboard page.

I started with creating the report using ReportBuilder 3.0. I defined the data source and decided to use Query Designer to generate the MDX query. So I selected some fields and defined the parameters. In addition, I also let Query Designer to generate the parameters automatically which generates hidden datasets

Saved the report, created the performance point report using Dashboard Designer and deployed to SharePoint. I also added a query string url filter web part to read a querystring and pass it to my PerformancePoint webpart. Great, all done!!! But….when I opened the page, I had to wait 2-3 minutes just to see SSRS loading image 😦 .

Long story short, did some research and found some comments about removing the generated hidden datasets if I don’t need them. So I went to Report builder, removed the parameter datasets (which can be found in the Datasets folder, right click and select ‘Show hidden Datasets’) and saved the report. It did improve the rendering time of the report (by a lot!!!).

So lessons learned for today were:

  • Generated queries/parameters are great but need to use them with caution
  • Try to manually create the MDX query (if you can)

SharePoint: Custom provider web part

Got a requirement to read a querystring and pass it to some of the web parts on a page. I thought that this would be easy since I can use the OOTB query string url filter web part to read and then pass the value after setting up the connection.

However, apparently some of the consumer web parts need the value to be in different format. My first thought was to append another querystring with the same value (just different format) but that would not be very nice (especially when the url length is restricted). This is where ITransformableFilterValues comes in handy. The interface is used for web part to web part connections.

Below are an example on how this interface can be implemented.

public class CustomQueryStringFilterWebPart : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart, ITransformableFilterValues
        string _queryStringKey = "category";
		string _filterValue = "";
        [WebDisplayName("Query String Key")]
        public string QueryStringKey
            get { return _queryStringKey; }
            set { _queryStringKey = value; }

        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

            _filterValue = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[_queryStringKey];

        public bool AllowAllValue
            get { return true; }

        public bool AllowEmptyValue
            get { return false; }

        public bool AllowMultipleValues
            get { return false; }

        public string ParameterName
            get { return "Query String Filter"; }

        public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<string> ParameterValues
                string value = string.Format("[{0}]", _filterValue.ToUpper());
                string[] values = new string[] { value };
                return new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(values);

        [ConnectionProvider("Query String Filter", "ITransformableFilterValues", AllowsMultipleConnections = true)]
        public ITransformableFilterValues SetConnectionInterface()
            return this;

The code above is a custom web part that implements ITransformableFilterValues. It gets the querystring value and convert it to uppercase.

Add the above web part to a page and to pass the transformed value, connections to the consumer web parts need to be created. Once the connection is setup, everything should just work 🙂